In fact this campaign is quite common in Malay bloggers community (maybe English too), but i seldom seen Chinese blogger would put the tag in their profile. What I would like to say is, no matter whether Malaysia is still a country that everyone should be proud (after many illogical incidents happened and leads to a joke to worldwide), the fact is we are Malaysian, and we are not "Penumpang" as well.
To all Chinese bloggers, let's embark the campaign together by putting the tag under your profile.
Copy & Paste ---<a href="http://babymerv.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img alt="I'm MALAYSIAN 我是马来西亚人" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IYewQRiy1W8/SOZ2yOy1ebI/AAAAAAAAAkk/QmGw8bfyigU/s1600-h/sam213x51_bbanner.jpg" border="0" /><p> I'm MALAYSIAN 我是马来西亚人</a>