一月 - 印尼 | 日惹、玛琅、泗水
五月 - 印尼 | 巴厘岛
十月 - 澳洲 | 墨尔本、菲力浦岛、悉尼、布里斯班、黄金海岸
中国 | 杭州、苏州、上海(世博)、香港、澳门
台湾 | 台北、桃园、高雄
Maybe I should not hope too much for every New Year, I mean from 2010 onwards. I am just hoping that everything is normal, calm and smooth as silk. The 2 main concerns that I have now would be how to pamper myself and moving forward.
Confirmed Trip
January - Indonesia | Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya
May - Indonesia | Bali
October - Australia | Melbourne, Phillip Island, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast
Waiting-list Trip
China | Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai (Expo), Hong Kong, Macau
Taiwan | Taipei, Taoyuan, Kaoshiung
Moving Forward
It was the peak for me in 2009. Probably I have done too much, reaching the top of hierarchy. But when you fall, it’s like when you are playing slides in the playground, the efforts and energy that you have put into, and climb to reach the top. If you are reckless, you may fall, at times, you were being pushed. You will be fine if you are lucky; in contrast, if your luck is bad, you may injure.
In past, every time I am reaching the peak, something will be happening to me, again and again, am really sick of it. I do not ask for more, only peaceful and silky smooth in my careers. I am fighting for life, not for arguments.
I doubt if 2010 is the year that I have been waiting for. I really don’t know, I’ve been waiting for years (or should I use “ages”?) Needless to say if I am hoping for anything, as god wills, he wants me to stay where I was. The only thing that I can do is self adjusting to adapt to the current changes, I live my life, and probably I really need to wait for the opportunity.