[ English version, please scroll down ]
Q: 问一问大家,你们出国旅行时,回国前,会不会买些手信给好朋友呢?
A: 我会!
Q: 但通常你们买的,是不是属于较负担得起(因为人数问题),也可能是他人都已经买过的Common Gift呢?
A: 对,我的就是。
我自问我出国次数比他人多,而且无论多没时间,我每一次都费尽心思、绞尽脑汁地在想,送这些给他们,他们会不会嫌弃?所以我买的要不是当地的食物,就是比较不一样的Common Gift。而且我一直在想,好朋友嘛,应该不会那么计较。
也因为此次的旅游去得比较远,兑换率也很高,所以心想买Common Gift,再加点东西在Common Gift上,变成Special Gift, 应该不会嫌了吧!
食物,因为标榜着是当地出产的土产,我本身也没吃过,更不知是什么味道,只是因为没买手信,所以就选择了食物,也可以与大家分享。如果是我觉得真的很难吃,我也会点到即此,譬如甜了点,或不是很合胃口。而不是“很难吃”伤人话 。很难吃,你要我负责吗?
听了后,那种感觉就是酸的,而且还是在你面前说。但说这些话的人却没想一想他们本身是否有曾如此有心呢?有些甚至连糖果都没有,这我不想多说 。
话虽说大家都是好朋友,应该不会介意,一次无所谓,两次依然可原谅,三次就免了! 凡事情站在他人立场想想,也想一想自己是否有资格去批评他人的一番心意!
2010(至今日)的旅游册 (算一算我的"心",也算一算我的"刺")
一月 印尼- 日惹、婆罗浮屠、玛郎、婆罗摩山、泗水
三月 印尼- 棉兰、多巴湖
五月 印尼- 巴厘岛
九月 中国- 上海、苏州、杭州
十月 澳洲- 墨尔本、Silvan、Phillip Island、Ballarat、Lismore、Camperdown、Port Campbell、悉尼、黄金海岸
There was once I typed "
Let's see who will be condenming in my next blog post" in my Facebook.
In fact I just wanna telling my frustration, I'm not pointing at anyone, however such incident is always happen, perhaps that is human being, but should behaved.
Question :
When you are travelling overseas, do you buy souvenirs to your friends when you return?
Answer :
I would!
Question :
However, the gift that you've bought normally could it be an affordable common gift to you and it may have been bought by others?
Answer :
Yes, that's what I bought.
Straight to the point, I was travelling couple of times. No matter how busy I was, I always trying my best to figure out what souvenir to buy for my friends. At the same time, taking certain facts into consideration to make sure they won't be complaining. Hence, I will buy either local foods or customised common gift. Moreover, I keep telling myself, they are my best buddies, they won't be mind.
On top of that, I was travelling further this time, and was striked by the high conversion currency too, that's why the customised common guft came to my mind immediately, make it as a "Special Gift", so that it will looks different from others.
Unfortunately I was wrong. Some of them did not say a word but from their expression when they first sighted the gift, I know what's on their mind. They are only minority voice out their dissatisfaction that is consider harsh to me:-
I have got many, it's a routine buy for those who went there, I don't even know where to place this"
I bought a heart, an appreciation. It represent our friendship and your status in my heart, however, I did not get any words of appreciation but criticism. Will you only be satisfied with goldsmiths? How would you feel if you were me?
The food is disgusting"
Reason I bought food is because it is a well-known local product, moreover, I did not buy any other souvenirs. I haven't tried it before, so I was thinking maybe I can share with them too at the same time. Whether the food taste good or not, it is totally out of my control, definitely not my responsibility as well. If I were them, though the food is really awful, I will only briefly telling them that I can't get used to the taste or just a little sweet and etc. You wouldn't find me saying the harsh word "disgusting".
Apparently I am hurt when your besties saying that to you. But I am hoping them to recall their memories if they have done the job like I did, re-think if they are qualified to criticise others.
Though we are good friends and they might think I should not get mad over these. However, I would like to strongly emphasize that if such incident happen for the first time, I will be ifne. If it repeat as second incident, I am still fine. But why do you need to repeat for the third time when you had done it for twice?!
My 2010 Travel Log (
You may know how much is my appreciation, and how much of criticism I get in return)
Jan - Indonesia --- Yogyakarta, Malang, Mt. Bromo, Surabaya
Mar - Indonesia --- Medan, Lake Toba
May - Indonesia --- Bali Island
Sep - China --- Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou
Oct - Australia --- Melbourne, Silvan, Phillip Island, Ballarat, Lismore, Camperdown, Port Campbell (Great Ocean Road), Sydney, Blue Mountain, Gold Coast
Hehe,我还是觉得那个被我吃完的白兔糖最好吃~ ^^
Jan one is quite sudden
Mac is totally sudden
May is planned one year ago
Sep is planned 6 months ahead
Oct is planned more than 1 year ago